You are a QUEEN.⁣⁣

You are a QUEEN.⁣⁣
You are meant for an incredible life, love.⁣⁣
🤍 You were designed to love your body. You getting to feel at home and safe in your own skin…⁣⁣
…has always been the plan.⁣⁣
You were created to BE a creator.⁣ ⁣
To call the shots, set the boundaries and dictate the rhythms of your own life...⁣⁣
...based on what your body and spirit are calling out for.⁣⁣
Good health, supple skin, a lean, strong, flexible frame… these are all part of YOUR inherent birthright.⁣ 👑 ⁣
🤍 Falling in love with your body is the greatest gift you could ever give yourself. NOT doing so in the precious lifetime can also the biggest robber of bliss and joy.⁣⁣
By the way, at the gym? You are meant to glisten and glow.⁣ ✨⁣
🙅🏼‍♀️ You’re not there to get a beat down.⁣⁣
🙅🏼‍♀️ You don’t need a personal trainer barking out orders, screaming, “One more rep!” and treating you like someone who’s lazy, weak, and doesn’t already know, deep down inside, what is best for her own body.⁣⁣
You already have ALL the answers. They are inside YOU, babe.⁣ 🧜🏼‍♀️⁣
Your intuition is your strongest asset. And it has never left you.⁣⁣

☁️ It flows through and whispers softly,⁣⁣
“Hold your head high. BE the Queen you are.⁣ ⁣
✨ Go shine.⁣ ⁣
✨ Go glisten.⁣⁣
✨ Go glow up.”⁣⁣

Happy Friday⁣.⁣

XOXO, Lian 🤍