We are almost halfway through February. 2020 is in full swing.⁣

We are almost halfway through February. 2020 is in full swing.⁣

Have you started your New Year’s Resolutions yet?⁣

If you haven’t, it’s okay. This does NOT mean you are⁣

❌ Lazy ⁣
❌ Not smart enough⁣
❌ Too old⁣
❌ Time scarce⁣

More likely, what is causing the delay is one or more of these factors:⁣

❔Confused about correct information⁣
❔Haven’t prioritized⁣
❔Stressed out⁣
❔Old habits die hard⁣

If this feels true for you, here are 4 concepts to quickly get you started:⁣

1️⃣ Invest in rest. ☁️✨⁣

Stressed, exhausted, cannot figure out when to schedule workouts? Then first, get some sleep. This may sound counterintuitive, but high-quality rest is your foundation. 💯 You’ll get up tomorrow morning with a clearer mind, less cravings, & more motivation for exercise.⁣

2️⃣ Put yourself first. 😱 🤯⁣

We have family, careers, friends & pets who are no doubt top priority. But without your health, you can’t support anyone. So go fill your cup first. Being the best version of you will allow you to perform at a new level of excellence in all areas of your life.⁣

3️⃣ Raise your standards. 👆🏽🚀⁣

Accomplishing goals is all about setting new standards for yourself. Where previously it may have been okay for you to eat McDonald’s, now you get to create a new standard for when you are looking to grab a meal on the go. All that stands between someone who is not fit and someone who is are the healthy standards they have set for themselves.⁣

4️⃣ The body craves what is habitual.🧘🏼‍♀️🍦⁣

If you eat ice cream every night before bed, your body will crave ice cream. If you meditate before going to sleep, the body will crave meditation to wind down. There is a short period of slight discomfort while trading one habit for the other, but if you can get through this brief pace of time, it is likely to be smooth sailing from there.⁣
Hope this helps ❤️⁣

