Posts tagged goal setting
Happy 2019 + E–House Retreat

(From an IG post January 7th, 2019.)

New Year’s House Retreat was a huge success! We drove out into the middle of nowhere, stayed on a crazy eclectic ranch, and spent 2.5 days closing out 2018, reflecting on our biggest wins, losses and lessons, then turned to 2019, getting super clear on our Q1-4 goals, fleshing out timelines, indispensable action steps and the overarching #NorthStar missions that will continue to provide fuel when life challenges arise…

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Puberty, Quasi–Consenting, and Cutting

(From an Instagram Post, December 2018.)

When I was going through puberty my mother sat me down one time and told me a story. She said this story was to help me be extra careful as I shifted into womanhood. One night when she was 16, growing up in Pittsburgh, was going home alone, and waited by the tracks to catch the next train. A man approached her. He somehow convinced her to go into a more secluded area of the station, raped her, and took away her virginity.

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On Fearing My Femininity

I grew up with a physically and mentally ill mother. When I was young, I would sometimes watch hear grow jealous if my father paid too much attention to me. If my father and I spent more than a couple hours together, going to my basketball games or heading out for a trail run in the woods, she would become very upset with him….

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I'm going to get GUSHY

…This gorgeous bride-to-be had every excuse in the book to stress out and not lose weight. She has a multiple-hour, interstate commute to work, tons of traveling forcing her to live out of a suitcase half the time, roommates whose eating habits were less than stellar, and of course, the chaotic part-time job of planning a wedding!

Yet this kick-ass client went ahead and lost over 11 inches combined between her waist and her hips…

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Answer Me This (and Snowboard Snacks)

It has been proven to me time and time again through my work that the magic lies in the little, not-so-noticeable things, and that the smallest changes WILL ALWAYS yield the most admirable results.
Just think about hormones. These teeny, tiny things that are an invaluable part of your system control everything from appetite to mood, to sex drive, to energy level, to hair growth, to pregnancy and the list goes on. Yet you can only see them under a high-tech microscope. So small, yet one the most powerful forces I can think of!

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Fat, Ugly Cow

Okay here's what happened:

An online client said something to me on the phone last Thursday that I will never forget. It hit me like a brick to the stomach.

She was in the middle of telling me how all of her clothes fit better, she has more energy and she feels so much more confident now in her own body.
Then, in an off-handed manner, she said: “I realized yesterday…

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I Think I'm So Tough

…Then suddenly, I thought “NO! Absolutely not! That would be such a wimpy move to call an Uber! And I’m not a wimp!” I shifted the bike to my other shoulder as a I paused in front of a traffic light, and said to myself, “Let’s do this!”

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I Wanted To Punch Myself In The Face

…If you think I am not guilty of sulking over non-results from absence of work and discipline, think again. The first time I ever heard that statement I doubled over backwards. I wanted to punch myself in the face for being so arrogant, for thinking I actually deserved a hard-earned result from nothing but my laziness and lack of focus…

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Are You Frozen Fleeing or Fighting?

I promised my introverts a shout out a few emails back, after my “You are too BIG” email. (In it, I attempted to highlight the similar struggles between being overweight and being a spirited extrovert.

So “introvert introspection” is what I bring to the cyber table today. Here we go…

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Are You A Unicorn? 

Two weeks ago, I was riding in the car with a good friend of mine. She put the guy she just starting dating on speaker phone. So of course I fired off questions. After all, what kind of non-nosy, awesome friend do you take me for? ;-) …

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When to Hit it and When to Quit it

What up Fly Tribe! Today I wanted to dive in with you and dissect the question– When to Hit it and When to Quit it – in reference to when, why, and how much you’re going to the gym.

Listen, we all know plenty of reason why TO GO to the gym. We hear about those all the time. It is constantly being reiterated to us that in order to reach our health and fitness goals, we must be disciplined and hit the gym often and hard.

But what about the times when it is better for us NOT TO GO to the gym? What if there are sometimes better ways to spend that precious allotted gym time? All obvious situations aside such as illness, injury or an urgent family matter that must attended to, what are some other things that should give us pause and consider non-traditional gym options? Let’s explore these now.

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This Law of Science Will Destroy Your Current Motivation

…Here is where a very practical law of science comes into play.

We fear that we won’t accomplish the goal. That we will fall short, put ourselves out there, make the effort, and never see the reward. This is our first fear. (Strangely enough, we don’t seem to fear the temporary reward, even though that has far more severe psychological and physical long-term repercussions.)

Our second fear is that we won’t ever do the work in the first place. Our second fear is that we are inherently lazy, and this causes us to distrust our ability to get the job done.

Ipso facto, we are fearful of our own potential for non-action…

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