Surviving is NOT equivalent to thriving.⁣⁣

Surviving is NOT equivalent to thriving.⁣⁣

“If you can make it in New York you can make it anywhere.”⁣⁣

Yeah, but at what cost?⁣⁣

Does “making it” also mean I’ll be happy?⁣ ⁣⁣
If I have to sacrifice everything that is important to me ­– happiness, health, inner peace, relationships, deep authenticity, true intimacy…⁣⁣

❌ Then I lose. Because sacrificing these things means I lose myself.⁣⁣

And for what? Some accolade society has placed value and meaning on to measure who’s succeeded and who hasn’t?⁣⁣

🙅🏼‍♀️ No. I forfeit that game.⁣⁣

❌ I don’t want to survive anymore. I don’t want to be fat, sad, angry, empty, disconnected and alone.⁣⁣

🤍 I want to love and be loved. I want to care for my body, mind and spirit as they deserve to be cared for.⁣⁣

I don’t want to just be a strong, rock hard body. I want warmth, I want deep connection with myself and others that one cannot have when one is just a pretty shell.⁣⁣

🤍 I want to keep showing the world the real me, flawed but at least I’m free.⁣⁣

❌ I don’t want to live in a prison I built out of a caricature of myself.⁣⁣

Yeah, I’m east coast. Yeah I’m Jersey strong. But I am so much more than that. I don’t get to rely on my strength anymore. I don’t want to just survive.⁣⁣

💎 Every single one of us are made to thrive.⁣⁣

We have incredible minds, we have huge hearts and we have souls that already know our life’s path.⁣⁣

❌ We are not just bodies, trudging along, typing on computers and pushing through workouts. No, we get to use all of our faculties.⁣⁣

💎 We get to use our hearts and our intuition to determine what we do in this life, who we choose to spend time with, what we put our energy into...⁣⁣

thereby amplifying the change we want to see in our bodies, our families and our world at large.⁣⁣

Drop a heart emoji if you agree. 🤍