The biggest reason why we gain weight back after losing it: we set goals & not standards.⁣

The biggest reason why we gain weight back after losing it: we set goals & not standards.⁣

We know how the story goes:⁣
1️⃣Swing into over drive: hyper focus on calories, macros, workout intensity & duration, how long we can go without having a “cheat meal,” etc.⁣

2️⃣We reach our weight loss goal, or we get really close to it.⁣

3️⃣Then the pendulum suddenly swings back the other way.⁣

Starving. Moody. Sluggish. Completely unmotivated. Crazy cravings.⁣

...aannnd all the weight creeps back on.⁣

❔Whyyyy does this happen❔⁣

👉🏽 B/c we set our sights on a finish line, and did whatever we had to do to get there without thinking about the bigger picture, which is this:⁣

✨When it comes to our bodies, THERE IS NO finish line.✨⁣

🙅🏼‍♀️Our minds don’t like this because we are addicted to setting all the goals.⁣

🙅🏼‍♀️We are addicted to believing that we’ll never be good enough, & so always reaching for the next goal fully supports this self-created story.⁣

🙅🏼‍♀️We don’t want to subscribe to higher standards because we are addicted to the dopamine hits that ride on the backs of short-lived successes.⁣

- We are addicted to the number on the scale,⁣
- the pat on the back,⁣
- the extreme before & after photos,⁣
- the finish line painted across the pavement for a half-marathon,⁣

ANYTHING our external reality offers to give us in exchange for the sense of validation we crave so deeply on the inside. 🙏🏽⁣

When we raise our standards however, this very upgrade in & of itself becomes self-validating.⁣

✨By believing we deserve a high quality of self-care & nourishment, we begin to internally meet our own needs.⁣

✨And when we elevate our standard of how we believe our bodies should be treated, the goals become obsolete.⁣

✨When we are fit, we just are, simply, fit. We are no longer hustling & grinding and “doing all the fit things” to prove something. There is nothing left to prove. Only our standards remain.⁣

✨This is an extremely peaceful place to be in. All the energy previously spent, all the mental real estate, the rollercoaster of emotions, they simply clear out, & we are freed up to use our capacities in much more awesome, evolved ways.