Posts tagged know yourself
Stop trying to fix your body. It was never broken. - Eveensler
You get to take time to reset, to remember who you are & why you’re here.⁣
You will raise the entire collective by raising your own vibration.
Let's do this!
4️⃣ Easy Ways To Get Fit Under Quarantine⁣
The biggest reason why we gain weight back after losing it: we set goals & not standards.⁣

…Starving. Moody. Sluggish. Completely unmotivated. Crazy cravings.⁣

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Would We Get Mani/Pedi's Together?

I was chuckling to myself this morning, because when I get asked by my peers at workshops and business events: “Who is your ideal client?” The answer I give always has nothing to do with pounds or inches. :)

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Most Vulnerable Share Yet.

A super sweet girl (maybe late 20’s?) approached me last weekend, said she follows me on IG, wants to lose 15 lbs. & hire me as her coach, but was too intimidated.⁣⁣
So I made a list of why no one should ever find me intimidating. Here you go:⁣⁣

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Thank you Drew!

(From November 2017.)

Thank you so much @drewsiv for coming by and saying hi!

Drew saw my post yesterday and came by to visit at the @landroverusa event in Venice today. He shared his incredible story with me: he said he had been following me for years and struggled with his weight due to a debilitating injury.

Through his successful recovery and by tweaking his food, water and exercise habits, he was able to lose 25 lbs. and even develop an awesome set of abs! His inspirational story, paired with the fact that…

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How To Get A Six Pack

As a personal trainer, this is one of the most frequently asked questions I get asked by both men and women. Six-Pack abs are like the crown jewels to a fit person's frame…

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Answer Me This (and Snowboard Snacks)

It has been proven to me time and time again through my work that the magic lies in the little, not-so-noticeable things, and that the smallest changes WILL ALWAYS yield the most admirable results.
Just think about hormones. These teeny, tiny things that are an invaluable part of your system control everything from appetite to mood, to sex drive, to energy level, to hair growth, to pregnancy and the list goes on. Yet you can only see them under a high-tech microscope. So small, yet one the most powerful forces I can think of!

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I Wanted To Punch Myself In The Face

…If you think I am not guilty of sulking over non-results from absence of work and discipline, think again. The first time I ever heard that statement I doubled over backwards. I wanted to punch myself in the face for being so arrogant, for thinking I actually deserved a hard-earned result from nothing but my laziness and lack of focus…

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