Posts tagged exercise
Stop trying to fix your body. It was never broken. - Eveensler
She Rocked This!

Hey Fit Gang!

I HAD to pass this email onto you today :) I got permission from this client to send along anonymous Before & After photos as well; honestly I couldn’t be more excited for this person.

When I first met with her 7 months ago, she told me her goal was to be 125 lbs. for her high school reunion…

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Answer Me This (and Snowboard Snacks)

It has been proven to me time and time again through my work that the magic lies in the little, not-so-noticeable things, and that the smallest changes WILL ALWAYS yield the most admirable results.
Just think about hormones. These teeny, tiny things that are an invaluable part of your system control everything from appetite to mood, to sex drive, to energy level, to hair growth, to pregnancy and the list goes on. Yet you can only see them under a high-tech microscope. So small, yet one the most powerful forces I can think of!

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I Think I'm So Tough

…Then suddenly, I thought “NO! Absolutely not! That would be such a wimpy move to call an Uber! And I’m not a wimp!” I shifted the bike to my other shoulder as a I paused in front of a traffic light, and said to myself, “Let’s do this!”

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Michael Jackson's Wrist Flicks

…I am impatient, yes, always, I can’t help it. But I am so excited too. I love the climb. I fell in love with the process a long time ago…

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Don't Waste Your Time Working Out

Hey FitFam! If I had to guess, I would say you are a super busy human being. You probably juggle numerous responsibilities each week, which you try to balance with at least some fragment of a social life.

If this is you, congratulations. I know society takes this essentially broad definition of being an adult for granted, but I don’t think we should. To me this means you have struck a balance between finding enjoyment with family, friends and recreational interests, while at the same time being a responsible person who contributes to the greater whole and takes pride in adding value to the world.

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I Wanted To Punch Myself In The Face

…If you think I am not guilty of sulking over non-results from absence of work and discipline, think again. The first time I ever heard that statement I doubled over backwards. I wanted to punch myself in the face for being so arrogant, for thinking I actually deserved a hard-earned result from nothing but my laziness and lack of focus…

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Are You Frozen Fleeing or Fighting?

I promised my introverts a shout out a few emails back, after my “You are too BIG” email. (In it, I attempted to highlight the similar struggles between being overweight and being a spirited extrovert.

So “introvert introspection” is what I bring to the cyber table today. Here we go…

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